Thursday, March 26, 2020

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Micro Happy Planner Series - Self Care Planner

First video in the Micro Happy Planner Series.
This Self Care planner will help during this time of uncertainty. Take some time for yourself.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Thursday, February 6, 2020

How to organize craft paper pads

This video is first in my series for organization. One of my goals for 2020 is to organize my art studio and this is my first step toward that goal.

I hope you learned something from this video and that you will be motivated to achieve your goals - whatever they might be.

How to make a glue book planner

This is one of my favorite ways to plan. It can be as creative as you want. And who doesn't enjoy spending time cutting things out of magazines and playing with glue? haha

I hope you were able to learn something and that you try to create your own glue book soon.

Which planner type should you choose?

Just put up a new video on YouTube. It goes through all the different types of planners/journals (that I own). I hope you enjoy watching and learn something from it!

Friday, January 31, 2020

How to create a composition notebook planner

This video is of my first in the 'how-to' planner series.

I made this composition notebook for my mother because she asked me about mine. So I surprised her with it and she really loved it. I decided to make a video about how I made it so maybe someone else might learn something new about planners and planning.

I hope you enjoy it and please let me know if you want to learn anything else regarding planners or planning. That's the entire reason I started this video channel on YouTube.

Have a great day!

How to catalog washi tape in your Happy Planner notes notebook

This is my second video in the 'How-to' planner series.

I was having a heck of a time trying to locate specific washi tape even though I had it organized in really snazzy containers. The problem was that it wasn't organized by color so it was useless to me.

I started dividing all my washi tape into different stacks according to color. This took a while. lol
But after it was finished, I was easily able to catalog every single roll in my micro Happy Planner. I did end up having to upgrade to extender discs but they all finally fit.

Watch the video and let me know if you learned anything. We are all here to learn something new and it would be great if you let me know how that worked for you.

Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

2020 Updates and a new kitty!

Well, hello 2020! 💗

2019 was a crazy, exciting, scary, fun, long year and I am so looking forward to 2020 and new beginnings. Lots of events happened here in my world and I bet you had quite a few, too. I hope that some of them were good for you.

We adopted another kitty! Her name is Karma and she is so beautiful. Her fur is a gorgeous dark grey color with a white bib and feet. She reminds me of a queen with her head held high as she balances her crown. I am so glad that her and Sushi are getting along! I was worried that Sushi would be jealous of her new sister but she seems to be adapting well to having her in our home.

Did you make a vision board for the new year? I normally just create a spread in my planner but this year I decided to go BIG! I got some poster board from the Dollar Tree and had a blast making it. I decided to keep my goals to a smaller achievable number. So here are my first five goals of the year:

  1. Start a YouTube channel.
  2. Eat healthy.
  3. Make time for art.
  4. Take a vacay.
  5. Paint the bedroom, kitchen, and living room. 
So that's it for my goals at the beginning of 2020. I know I can achieve them! 

If you made a vision board or just set goals for 2020 - how is it working out for you? Have you achieved any yet? Please share your thoughts!