Wednesday, January 22, 2020

2020 Updates and a new kitty!

Well, hello 2020! 💗

2019 was a crazy, exciting, scary, fun, long year and I am so looking forward to 2020 and new beginnings. Lots of events happened here in my world and I bet you had quite a few, too. I hope that some of them were good for you.

We adopted another kitty! Her name is Karma and she is so beautiful. Her fur is a gorgeous dark grey color with a white bib and feet. She reminds me of a queen with her head held high as she balances her crown. I am so glad that her and Sushi are getting along! I was worried that Sushi would be jealous of her new sister but she seems to be adapting well to having her in our home.

Did you make a vision board for the new year? I normally just create a spread in my planner but this year I decided to go BIG! I got some poster board from the Dollar Tree and had a blast making it. I decided to keep my goals to a smaller achievable number. So here are my first five goals of the year:

  1. Start a YouTube channel.
  2. Eat healthy.
  3. Make time for art.
  4. Take a vacay.
  5. Paint the bedroom, kitchen, and living room. 
So that's it for my goals at the beginning of 2020. I know I can achieve them! 

If you made a vision board or just set goals for 2020 - how is it working out for you? Have you achieved any yet? Please share your thoughts! 

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